2017 04-12 SB Coast
Three excursions were mounted today and all three were highly successful. Totals for the day included: 6 gray whales, 20 bottlenose dolphins, and more than 800 long-beaked common dolphins. It was great to see 3 different species of cetaceans.
9am Two shy gray whales were found off the old lighthouse and followed west. Their down times were a bit long, but great looks were had by all. Soon a large herd of bottlenose dolphins located the Condor Express and, again, the interaction was magical.
12 noon Two gray whales, a mother and her calf, were located around Hendry’s Beach on their way up the coast. They were exceedingly cooperative and easy to watch. The little whale was fantastic. Later, a very large aggregation of common dolphins was found. It was spread over a long stretch of coastline and that gave us plenty of time to enjoy them.
3pm Two juvenile gray whales were encountered off Leadbetter Beach and followed to Hope Ranch.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express