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A Humpback, plus Common and Bottlenose Dolphins

Gray whale in crystal blue water from yesterday’s trip. Bob Perry Condor Express Photos

A Humpback, plus Common and Bottlenose Dolphins

A sunny day with calm seas and NO FOG !!  Captain Eric found a nice surface lunge feeding humpback whale just east of Platform Hogan.  Eric describes this whales’ behavior as slowly moving from one anchovy bait ball to the next and nibbling.   This nice humpback also did a bit of rolling around to entertain all the humans.  There were at least 750 common dolphins, seen throughout the trip, as they joined the anchovy banquet.  Towards the end of the trip Eric steered a course towards land and took the coastal route home to Santa Barbara Harbor.  Along the beach he found two pods of inshore bottlenose dolphins, and the first pod had around 25 very friendly and active animals.  These bottlenose dolphins not only came over to the Condor Express, but were seen next to the boat performing such stunts and spy hopping and swimming around upside down for no apparent reason (no obvious feeding or mating going on).

This was truly a day full of special sightings. You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

best regards Bob PerryCondor Express

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