2019 03-24 SB Coast
Captain Tasha and the crew of the Condor Express ran two trips today with ideal sea and weather conditions. Closely-watched species included: 4 gray whales, 1 humpback whale, and 25 inshore bottlenose dolphins. Most of the action was close to the coastline again today.
The morning excursion followed a very cooperative gray whale from the East Beach anchorage up to the Leadbetter kelp beds. Here we encountered about 20 dolphins, in scattered small groups, that took turns visiting the Condor Express. Further along on this route an additional pair of gray whales rounded out the sightings for the 9 am group.
At noon we ran west and found a smaller pod of bottlenose dolphins that were equally fun to watch as the morning group. We also located and watched an additional gray whale that was a bit shy and swam a “submarine evasion pattern” aka, zig-zagging all around the zone. Offshore from Platform Holly a single humpback whale completed the solid cetacean watching for the afternoon.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com