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Common and bottlenose dolphins plus 4 whales.


2018 05-04 SB Coast

It was another sunny day along the coast of Santa Barbara and points to the west of town, with clear cobalt blue water.  Total sightings for the day included:  300 long-beaked common dolphins, 4 gray whales and 6 inshore bottlenose dolphins.

As the Condor Express prepared to accelerate upon leaving Santa Barbara Harbor, deckhand and 2nd Captain, Colton, spotted some activity in the east beach anchorage.  There were loads of diving seabirds and all the commotion turned out to be an actively feeding pod of common dolphins.  It was exceptionally nice to see so close to shore and got the whole wildlife show started on the right foot.

From the Harbor, Captain Dave headed west, up the coast, and ended up locating 4 northbound whales in the kelp near Sands Beach at Elwood.  It was 2 mother gray whales with their calves.  The crystal water clarity really enabled everyone to follow the four animals both above and below the surface.

The final sighting of the day occurred near the lighthouse where six bottlenose dolphins came to the boat.  This would turn out to be 2 mother dolphins with their calves, plus an additional two adults, traveling together.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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