2020 06-06 SB Coast – East
There was a bit of wind on the outside so we ran in the calmer waters closer to shore today. Two trips left Santa Barbara Harbor. The first departed at 9 am, the second at noon. Sightings included 3 Minke whales and 800 long-beaked common dolphins. But wait! The numbers don’t tell the whole story. Read on…
We spent time in the eastern Channel today, from the Carpinteria rig line out to Habitat, and as far east as The Flats. Skies were clear and sunny which gave us great looks at the ocean as well as the beautiful coastline. We watched Minke whales on both excursions along with hundreds of common dolphins.
The morning trip encountered two Minke whales, a very large one and a smaller one. The big whale suddenly took off racing to the east. Captain Dave reported speeds in excess of 18 knots (nearly 21 mph). It was clearly visible and came up for air approximately every 2 minutes. Its course intersected the Condor Express several times. It swam alongside and passed underneath the boat. It was a very nice Minke whale encounter. A single smaller whale was watched during the afternoon trip.
Dolphins were abundant in widely dispersed groups ranging in size from 50 to 100 individuals. Per usual they came to the Condor and rode our bow, side and stern waves. As I may have mentioned in earlier reports, these little dolphins will do just about anything to catch a ride on a wave.
The afternoon trip took a path very close to shore from Rincon to the harbor. Great looks at the beach were had all along the route.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express and