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Humpback Mania !! Tues Apr 12

Friends of the Knobby-headed Beasts, It was a drop-dead gorgeous day on the Channel today and, boy oh boy, did we have Humpback Show to remember !! (more below)  Here is what Captain Mat got the Condor Express-ly involved with today: 10 Inshore Bottlenose Dolphins (morning trip) 8 Humpback Whales (2 on first trip; 6 on noon trip) 1,200 Common Dolphins  (700, then 500)

15 Dall's Porpoises

Sometimes the NOAA Marine Weather forecast gets it wrong for our immediate location.  So we headed offshore to the last known area for the agile Humpbacks.  On the morning trip, the 2 beasts that we watched closely (lots of other spouts in the distance)  breached 6 times, and rolled around a bit.  On the noon excursion, we watched a pack of 6, and two of them would not leave the boat, or each other, alone.  A lot of trumpet calls, chattering, tail throws, pectoral fin slaps and very very close approaches by these friendly monsters.  Captain Mat outdid himself again.  C'mon out and see the show, you never know what Mother Nature has in store for you in the way of fabulous sightings when you come on board. Make your reservations (9am, 12 noon, or 3pm) now and see the mighty Gray Whales as they migrate back home to Alaska, plus  whatever else is happening out there in our wonderful Channel. 

Call 888-77WHALE  or 805-882-0088 to book your trip.

…or to view photos from today's adventure and our previous trips: (Today's photos will be up no later than tomorrow morning)

In addition to the expert crew on the Condor Express with over 35 years of experience, Channel Islands Naturalist Corps volunteer naturalists, representatives from the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and National Park, are usually on board and available to answer your questions during the trip.  Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day!

Bob Perry Condor Express

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