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Humpbacks Sounding Off

Humpbacks Sounding Off

Captain Eric ran to the far east-central portion of the Santa Barbara Channel with flat calm conditions.  The faithful Condor Express wildlife fans watched 4 humpback whales very closely, but there were easily another 3 or 4 in the near distance.  There were several very close and friendly approaches to the boat as well as some rolling around, high tail fluking, and mixing with the #dolphins.   Eric estimates roughly 750 or more common dolphins throughout the grounds, as well as a lone Minke whale.  The unique quality of today’s encounter with the knobby headed whales was the continual sound of trumpet blows or calls from these beasts.  Most every surface interval was accompanied by a trumpet solo as if we were watching Miles Davis or Freddie Hubbard on stage.   Capt E also spotted a blue shark and followed it a while, although the fish kept swimming ahead at 5 or 6 knots and made it a challenge for everyone to get great looks other than seeing the dorsal fin.  The adventure also took a run over to the east end of Santa Cruz Island and took a little tour along the majestic sea cliffs.  At one point we went inside beautiful Potato Harbor for some sight seeing.

It was a spectacular day. You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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