2018 07-30 SB Channel
The Condor Express set out to cross the Santa Barbara Channel in heavy fog this morning. The whale action started near The Lanes and off the Santa Cruz Channel. Total sightings for closely watched cetaceans today included 4 humpback whales and 1,500 long-beaked common dolphins.
The sightings started off with great looks at 2 humpbacks and loads of dolphins. There was 1 big adult that was relatively friendly, perhaps a male. It was really beat up and scratched up and had a kind of frosting on his dorsal fin from scars, as the big males often do. The big whale was with a very small whale, not a calf, but probably a younger humpback
We moved a short distance to the east and ended up south of The Lanes relatively off the west end of Santa Cruz. Here we saw another 2 or 3 humpbacks in that area. Dolphins were everywhere in the whale zone.
On the trip back home the fog opened up and we had beautiful sunny conditions for the rest of the day.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com