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Nine gray whales and more (one trip)!

Nine gray whales and more (one trip)!

Good sea conditions and sunny skies resulted in a massive cetacean sightings day.  There were 9 gray whales total which included 4 mother-calf pairs (=8 whales).  These large cetaceans were encountered from the old Santa Barbara light tower westward to Black Rock, just east of the Goleta Pier.  A group of them off More Mesa was particularly active and playful.  The babies were rolling around and spy-hopping in the kelp forest…their little heads draped with seaweed.  What fun and what a great sight to behold.  Near Black Rock, towards the end of the adventure, there were 15 or so coastal bottlenose dolphins (perhaps the Goleta Bay pod from last week?).  Back flips, front flips, high speed chases, friendly approaches to the Condor Express and a bunch of wild behaviors from this pod in an extremely social mood.  An absolutely stellar performance !

Tomorrow we run at high noon again. You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry Condor Express

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