Rope is a large female humpback whale with a circumferential entanglement scar from at least 10 years back. photo: Bob Perry Condor Express Photos
Our pal “Rope” again steals the show
Conditions were again flat calm, glassy with bright hot sun. There were at least 6 humpback whales on the eastern grounds and we closely watched 3 of them. The show-stopper was our old pal “Rope” who completely mugged the Condor Express, showed her amazing lung capacity with giant bubble-spouts, and then threw her tail around and made a big fuss. Her associate was a smaller humpback with kind of a hitch in the back. The bait was down below the surface again today so no common dolphins. The sea lions love it and were again very abundant.
All 3 trips are scheduled for tomorrow and I hope to see you on board.
Remember: go to the bow and when the whales come closeturn around, look up and wave at the camera.
Bob PerryCondor Express