2018 06-04 SB Channel
There was a high stratus layer all day in the Santa Barbara Channel and things were glassy and smooth except near Santa Cruz Island where the sun came out. Captain Tasha and her crew recorded 2 large fin whales and 2,000 long-beaked common dolphins today.
The Condor Express ran southeast out of Santa Barbara Harbor today, heading for the eastern realm of the Island. In the southbound commercial shipping lanes a mega-pod of dolphins located the boat and stayed with us as the whale and dolphin lovers got great looks.
Later, in the 1-mile separation zone between The Lanes a single fin whale popped up. At one point the fin swam towards the boat and made a close, friendly pass.
Soon thereafter, the second fin whale showed up. All the fins were energetic and friendly. T’was a time for wonderful whelfies.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com