Ocean Enthusiasts and Friends, Another equally eyeball poppin' day of whale sightings on the western grounds near San Miguel Island again today. Here is what the Condor Express closely watched today: 8 Humpback Whales (2 different pairs were extremely friendly) 10 Blue Whales 1,000 Common Dolphins
200 California Sea Lions
Pelagic birds included 2 Black-footed Albatross !
We don't expect every day to be a “record breaker,” but things are HOT right now, so pass this information along to interested parties, please. And we have been running far, far to the west end of the Channel. It's been nice conditions, but if it gets rough out there, we may have to search more local waters. This is the prime time for our summer whales AND a great time to see the largest animal that ever lived on the planet: the Blue Whale…get on board and see for yourself ! Our daily trip photos are posted on the internet at www.CondorExpressPhotos.com Call 1-888-77WHALE or 805-882-0088 to get your name on the list before all the spots fill up. Best fishes and have a WHALE of a day ! Bob Perry Condor Express PS This email address is outgoing only, to reach a human being, email me directly at Mr.Zalophus@gmail.com