Image: a humpback whale rolls over while slapping its long pectoral flippers
2023 05-16 SB Channel
The marine layer with a few patches of dense fog returned again today. With it we experienced no wind and calm seas. Sightings were spectacular: 16 humpback whales and 1300 long-beaked common dolphins.
The first two humpback whales, a mother with her calf, were found near the kelp farm that is about 4 ½ miles south of the harbor. North of the NOAA East Channel Buoy we watched 4 more whales (a pair and two singles). We also spent time with 1000 dolphins.
Moving south and into The Lanes there were 2 more whales, one with an old dorsal prop scar. The pair were friendly and came to the boat a couple of times. Three more whales were watched mixed in with 300 dolphins.
On the way home 2 whales came slowly to the Condor Express and visited us. Another pair of whales were also watched. As we approached the kelp farm again, there was one adult whale that came over to us and breached 8 or 10 times. Next it proceeded to go on a pec-slapping rampage. After a short break in the action, our breacher did some pectoral fin slaps, a couple of nice chin slaps, and rolled over as it slapped its pectoral flippers again.
You never know what mother nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and