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4 Grays and 4 humpbacks

2019 03-20 SB Channel

The Condor Express found a few scattered rain showers with intermittent blue skies today. There was a light breeze and a flat sea surface. In other words they were great conditions for finding and watching cetaceans. One trip left the docs today and had great sightings: four humpback whales and four gray whales.

Very close to the harbor entrance, we had a glimpse of two very shy gray whales but they were never seen again so we have not included them in the total counts for today. We are reminded how smart and elusive these animals may be and also taking into consideration the vastness of the ocean. Moving offshore a little bit, we located one humpback whale. It was the same small whale with rake marks from an Orca all over its body. We saw this humpback for the first time earlier week. We had great looks today just like last time.

Moving even further offshore, about 4 miles from the beach, three humpback whales were located and they were actively feeding. The area was festooned with diving seabirds. There was some surface lunge feeding going on which is always fun to see. All of a sudden, in the middle of the feeding humpbacks, a large adult gray whale popped to the surface. It stayed around and interacted with the humpbacks for quite a while. Was the gray whale feeding with the humpbacks? We have no proof, but it would be remarkable. On the way home we got quick looks at it two additional gray whales.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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