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7 Humpbacks, 7 Grays and 200 Dolphins

2019 03-14 SB Channel

Captain Dave and his crew ran two trips today: one at nine and the other at noon. Conditions were dropdead gorgeous! Combine totals resulted in close looks at: seven gray whales, seven humpback whales, and 200 long-beaked common dolphins. It was an epic day with 3 different species of cetaceans.

On the 9 o’clock trip for gray whales were followed. There were two pairs of juveniles, one pair was discovered near the lighthouse and the second pair past More Mesa and approaching the University. After Dave moved 5 miles off the beach 2 humpback whales were spotted. One of them was our old friend, Rope.

The noon trip got started with a bang as two single whales just a couple hundred yards apart were found right around the corner at Leadbetter Beach. After some great looks Dave once again took it outside where we were discovered by a large pod of dolphins. We have not seen dolphins in a couple of days so it was fun to have them playing around in our waves. Soon after the dolphin encounter five humpback whales were located, a pair, another pair, and finally a singleton. On the way back to the harbor yet another gray whale was encountered.

You never know what mother nature has in store.

Bob Perry

Condor Express, and

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