Our friend “Top Notch” the humpback whale comes over to greet its fans.
A NOTCHural humpback experience
Gentle breezes and bright sunshine greeted the cetacean fans on board the Condor Express today. We spent the day in the northeastern Santa Barbara Channel again and the whole region was swarming with long beaked common dolphins, black vented shearwaters, California sea lions and quite a few Velella velella (purple sailor jellies). Before long “Top Notch” was located and we spent most of the trip watching this amazing animal. It made a few passes near the boat and then two direct routes directly at us, kicking up its flukes at the last possible minute and diving under us. We finished off the trip with a very nice cruise up the coast from Ventura back to Santa Barbara Harbor and enjoyed all the various points of interest, beaches and so forth. I’ll post up the photos no later than Wednesday.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express