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An adult gray whale in August!

2021 08-06 SB Channel

Other than a little fog near the islands it was sunny all day. The first part of the trip outbound to Santa Cruz Island was a little choppy, but island and homeward sea conditions were good. Sightings included: 1 gray whale, 1500 long-beaked common dolphins and 200 offshore bottlenose dolphins.

Common dolphins were around in small pods all day, and one large mega-pod was watched off the western end of Santa Cruz Island. In the same general vicinity we were visited by a large group of offshore bottlenose dolphins..always a treat!

On the way home we saw a few more scattered small pods of common dolphins, and then, close to the harbor, we encountered a very late northbound adult gray whale. The whale was not “skinny” and looked very healthy. Why was it so late when most of the population passed through before middle of May? Fun to see nonetheless.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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