2019 08-19 SB Channel
Captain Colton and the crew of the Condor Express transected the entire Santa Barbara Channel, from the harbor to just north of Santa Rosa Island. Seas were ideal and the sun was shining all day. Sightings included: 2000 long-beaked common dolphins, 150 offshore bottlenose dolphins, and 1 humpback whale.
I know you’ve read this somewhere before: the common dolphins were around us all day. Pods were mostly in the hundreds of individuals, but on the way back to the harbor, a mega-pod of at least 1000 animals located the boat. Add the sun and nice sea surface, and you have magic!
South of Platform C and the Carpinteria rig line, on our way out this morning, we located dolphins and one whale. It was an adult that appeared to be feeding sub-surface, except for one sideways surface lunge.
Near the west end of Santa Cruz Island there were two groups of offshore bottlenose dolphins. Both were highly animated and included a lot of air time.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com