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Four blue whales and lots of dolphins

2018 05-19 SB Channel

Four giant blue whales and at least 250 long-beaked common dolphins were seen today on our island whale watch cruise.  Seas were calm, and skies had a high, thin cloud layer all day.

Just outside Santa Barbara Harbor a nice herd of dolphins located the Condor Express.  As we’ve had the good fortune to see these past days, the dolphins were spread out and hunting in groups of 4 or 5 animals.  A lot of upside-down chasing was going on, and the dolphins took time to ride our bow, side and stern waves.

Then it was off to Santa Cruz Island where we saw blue whales earlier this week and others had been reported.  Just west of Chinese Harbor, two side-by-side tall spouts marked our first giant blue whales…a pair.  They had short dives and good surface times and were great to see.  Further east we watched two more giants, swimming individually.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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