More gray whale mom’s and calves.
Two trips again today: 12noon and 3pm. The noon adventure was somewhat limited by fog, but moving out away from the coast the Condor Express was able to locate and play with a mega-pod of at least 1,000 common dolphins. Since the fog was still pretty thick on the outside, Captain Dave pulled back tight to the shoreline and went looking for gray whales along the edge of the kelp beds. Before long he had found a pair of gray whales: a mother and her calf. The two were very predictable and cooperative and, despite the fog, everyone got great looks.
On the 3pm expedition, Dave steered a course back to where he last saw the noon cow-calf pair. Now further up the coast from the Harbor, he re-located the pair and found the two engaged in a kelp bed play session with a second mother-calf pair. The four whales rolled in the kelp, spy hopped, and showed their pectoral fins. Before long a pod of at least 20 inshore bottle nose dolphins joined the fun. The two species interacted for quite a while. It was a wonderful sight to see off the coast of Goleta.
Tomorrow we run a 12 noon trip.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express