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Numerous humpback whales in the mist.


2016 02-13 SB Channel

I have no idea how Captain Dave does it. I know I’ve waxed eloquent about our exceptional skills such as deck hand Auggie having eagle eyes, and second Captain Eric being able to see whales 6 or 8 miles away. But Dave exhibited yet another talent that he has cultured over his decades finding cetaceans: finding whales and dolphins in zero visibility fog. As I said, I don’t know how exactly he does it, but I do know that all your senses are sharpened when you’ve put in the time out on the ocean. In Dave’s case, he won’t admit it, but I’m sure his keen sense of smell is part of the story.

So it was that the Condor Express closely watched at least 7 different giant humpback whales and about 150 long-beaked common dolphins today. Sightings were made in the east-central zone, on the western edge of The Flats, and southeast of Habitat.

Several of the humpback whale sightings were in hot spots with surface balls of northern anchovies alongside dolphins, sea lions and lots of predatory sea birds.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

PS   I cannot spill the beans, but I have it from a good source that tomorrow’s trip will have a celebrity or two on board.   Shhhh!   You didn’t hear it from me.

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