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Offshore bottlenose join the commons and humpbacks today!

2019 08-03 SB Channel

Sunny skies all day today. Yay! Seas were calm, with little or no wind. Totals for the trip included: 50 offshore bottlenose dolphins, at least 1000 long-beaked common dolphins, and 5 humpback whales. The hotspot off UCSB moved out a little bit today. We were 8 to 10 miles offshore when we started picking up the wildlife. Common dolphins were around all day both with the whales and without. Always fun to see. After our initial humpback whale sighting, with its entourage of common dolphins, we moved west.

A group of at least 50 bottlenose dolphins approached the boat and gave everybody epic looks. This offshore sub-species is always very active with lots of aerial displays. Captain Dave reports many little calves in this group. Later we watched 4 more humpback whales, two of which came close to the boat quite a bit of the time. Again, the common dolphins were thick.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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