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Once in a lifetime

2019 06-27 SB Channel

Captain Dave and the crew of the Condor Express experienced another “Once in a lifetime” aggregation of cetaceans in the Santa Barbara Channel. If you think closely watching 14+ humpback whales and over 2,500 long-beaked common dolphins would be life-changing, now is the time to get your ticket. Skies quickly became sunny, there was no wind, and the ocean was flat, calm and clear.

The wildlife today was spread across the northern region of the Santa Barbara Channel beginning about 6 miles southwest of the harbor, and continuing to the mid-Channel shipping lanes.

Our first encounter was with many hundreds of dolphins and 5 humpback whales. The whales were found as singles and in pairs at first, but during the encounter they frequently joined up to make, then break, larger groups.

The second encounter was further south and the general vicinity of Santa Cruz Island in the distance.  This was the mega-sighting of the day with over 9 humpback whales and thousands of dolphins.  Many close and friendly approaches were made by whales, alone and in groups.  There were also numerous instances of trumpet blow vocalizations today.  The dolphins were spread out in a long line that, according to Captain Dave, ran for at least one mile.  This is definitely “Once in a lifetime” stuff.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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