Santa Barbara Channel Offering Spectacular Fall Conditions
A gorgeous sunny and sparkling day out in the Santa Barbara Channel. Our first sightings were three humpback whales no more than 4 miles from Santa Barbara Harbor. One was our pal, “Rope.” These 3 whales stayed on the surface and watching them alongside the Condor Express in crystal clear, blue water was a real treat. There were lots of long beaked common dolphins in the area around the whales too. After a long encounter with humpbacks, it was off to Santa Cruz Island for a tour and visit to the famous Painted Cave. Just off the Island we followed a nice herd of short beaked common dolphins. Wow, that was a day. I’ll post up the photos from today later this week.
Today: 3 humpback whales 500 long beaked common dolphins 700 short beaked common dolphins sea lions parasitic jeager black vented shearwaters and more seabirds
Bob Perry
PS Our last trip before the annual haul-out for maintenance will be October 28. We expect to be in the boat yard until Wed. Nov. 21. Sign up now for spectacular Fall sightings.