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Scarlet, a bunch of whales and over 1000 dolphins.

2018 11-04 SB Channel

Captain Tasha and her crew ran a southwesterly course and ended up about 8 miles south of UCSB. It was glassy, calm and sunny all day.  Total sightings included 5 humpback whales and 1500 long-beaked common dolphins.  We encountered and watched Scarlet again, among the other whales today.

Scarlet and her friend were the first whales we watched closely, and the pair was slowly moving west at the time. We continued on our own westerly path.  Before long 3 additional whales located the Condor Express and brought a mega-pod of dolphins with them.  This sighting was a wonderful mix of cetaceans large and small.

Tash took a mid-channel “outside loop” to work our way back to Santa Barbara Harbor.  Not too far along this path we caught up with Scarlet and her pal again.  This time her accomplice slapped its tail, flipped upside-down and lob-tailed a bunch of times, swam under the boat, came out the other side and breached not more than 25 yards away.  The entire boat inhaled at once. OMG.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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