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Tail flukes were to be had by all

2017 08-30 SB Channel

Totals for the day included: 500 long-beaked common dolphins and 6* blue whales.  It was sunny all day and there was a slight bump on the water left over from yesterday, in the southern Channel.

Captain Dave and his crew took the Condor Express to the mid-Channel NOAA buoy region where a nice sized herd of dolphins located the boat.  They swam around and under our hulls, and rode our waves.

From the buoy Dave turned east and put the slight bump on the water behind the boat for clear and calm sailing to the giant blue whale feeding grounds.  We closely watched 6 giants, but *there were more in the area.  Today’s whales were large adults and had long down times.  Many tail flukes were to be had by all the photographers on board.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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