2018 06-25 SB Channel
Captain Dave and the crew of the Condor Express closely watched 10+ giant blue whales and 500 long-beaked common dolphins. Skies were overcast but cleared to sun as we approached the hot spot near Santa Cruz Island. Seas were calm. The water was clear and blue. Many more additional whales and dolphins were seen all around us, but are not included in the count.
A single, distant tail fluke was spotted about 12 miles offshore. We never saw it again, but it did cause us to slow down, look, and become the object of the attention of the first group of many dolphins that located us today. As we continued across The Lanes, the scattered dolphin groups continued too. As we entered the giant blue whale zone, and occasionally waited for a few whales to surface, additional dolphins passed through.
Among the many blue whales we watched closely, there were several very friendly approaches. None were as close and interesting as our interaction with a mother blue whale and her calf. The two dove together, but surfaced apart. The little calf would then swim a straight line to mom. Often this line took the calf very close to, and even directly under, the Condor Express.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com
Special note: RIP Dr. Mark Hansen We just received word that our friend Mark has passed away. Mark was an engaging person with an up-beat and positive attitude. He was an avid whale watcher and was always a lot of fun to be around as we searched the Santa Barbara Channel.