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The Humpback Whale Show is ON

Condor Express route today.

The Humpback Whale Show is ON

Rope was not there today with her pal, but the friendly cow-calf was. And so were two other pairs of humpback whales, making a total of 6 seen today by the Condor Express. And with that many humpback whales around, it was not long before a good sampling of their behavioral repertoire was enjoyed by all. Tail lobbing, rolling around, lunge feeding on the surface to get mouths full of anchovy schools. It was definitely a great show by the knobby headed beasts.

Four Minke whales were also seen and about 1,000 common dolphins were hanging around the boat everywhere we went today. Conditions were great for whale watching.

C’mon out and see ’em while they’re here!

Best Bob Perry Condor Express Odd Jobs

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