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Wind, waves, 8 giant blue whales, humpbacks, and more


2018 06-28 SB Channel

A fresh breeze blew across the Santa Barbara Channel today and created some surface chop. But these things greatly enhanced the sightings by blowing the spout spray of the wildlife high into the air. Overcast skies quickly turned to bright sun out near beautiful Santa Cruz Island. We closely watched 8+ blue whales, 500 long-beaked common dolphins, 2 humpback whales and 1 Minke whale. More blue whales were seen spouting in the distance.

The giant whale hot spot today was centered a few miles off of the western region of Santa Cruz Island. The blue whales were lined up and probably feeding sub-surface. It was a bit windy, as previously mentioned, so after watching the blue whales Captain Dave ran to the east. This put the swells behind us and made the ride calmer. To the east the Condor Express found a couple hundred dolphins arranged in two or three groups. They rode the swells and came over to the boat to pay us a visit. A single humpback whale was also seen in this region as well as a single Minke whale.

On the way home a second humpback whale was seen and it kicked up its beautiful tail.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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