The Fall whale season is still vibrant and strong.
Today the Condor Express watched at least 12 humpback whales. These whales really stirred up the water and gave all on board a fabulous aquatic mammal show. To start with, 3 of the knobby-headed beasts breached several times, sending spray flying everywhere and a thunderous sound. There was also a mother humpback whale with her calf. Finally, most of the humpback whales were actively surface lunge feeding all day long…gluttons that they are…as they fatten up in preparation for their migration south for calving and breeding…coming soon!
At least 5 Minke whales were also in the area and about 600 common dolphins joined the festivities too.
Special Note: We’ll be running regular Fall whale trips Saturday, Sunday and a special trip on Monday for the Veteran’s Day holiday.
Tell ’em Bob sent you. Bob Perry Condor Express