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5 Humpback Whales and More

2015 10-09 SB Channel

5 Humpback Whales and More

Captain Dave and his crew hit the jackpot as they located a region very rich with cetaceans only a few miles south of Santa Barbara Harbor. There were a total of 5 humpback whales in this hot spot, including our old pal “Top Notch.”   One of the whales breached very close to the boat.

There were a total of at least 2,500 long-beaked common dolphins today and it seemed like we were with them most of the day. There were a few high speed dolphin stampedes as well. Three Minke whales also worked the region as all the animals searched for food down below the surface.

The weather and sea conditions were excellent !

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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