AIS ©Marine Traffic ships track for our trip today.
5 Humpbacks (including a calf) Mug the Condor Express
Well, by now you probably heard about all the blue whales out in the shipping lanes yesterday, and so you’ll understand when I tell you that Captain Dave laid in a straight course heading for that area today. Sea conditions were even flatter and calmer than yesterday. Dave describes it as “water ski” conditions. (SPECIAL NOTE We do not water ski using the Condor Express and do not approve water skiing as a whale watching method). Beneath the surface things were deep deep blue and crystal clear again. Everything was good. There were long beaked common dolphins all around, large pods everywhere. But no blue #whales today. The Condor Express ran a comprehensive search pattern and used up considerable time, but not tall spouts and long bodies could be found in the region. From here the Condor Express ran north east to an area that has been good for humpback whales. Again, more common dolphins were around everywhere…perhaps 2,000 or more were seen in total. The grande finale: the usual humpback area did not disappoint. Here we encountered 5 humpback whales (which included a mother and calf) that were among the most friendly humpbacks we’ve seen yet this Fall. Each of the 5 beasts took turns swimming along with us, rolling around and looking up at us, and swimming directly under the boat from side to side just to give their loyal fans a good aerobic workout on the Condor Express decks. All of this, of course, took place in cobalt water ski conditions. Wow!
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express
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