2019 03-30 SB Coast
Captain Dave and his crew ran 3 trips today, 9a, 12n and 3p. Weather and sea conditions were gorgeous for all of them. Total sightings for the day included: 6 gray whales, 2300 long-beaked common dolphins and 8 humpback whales. Again, the totals do not tell the whole story. Please read on.
The first whale of the day was a semi-shy gray which we located off the lighthouse and followed it for a while before moving further west. Up the coast, near Campus Point, huge bait balls on the surface had attracted several hundred dolphins and a ton of sea birds. All of the predators were dining on the anchovy balls. Soon, 3 additional gray whales were sighting and we had great looks. On the way home and a few miles offshore, a single humpback whale was located feeding on additional anchovy schools outside.
The noon trip started by our return to the single whale we left at the end of the morning run. Now an second humpback was in the area and the swarms of bait had attracted hundreds of diving pelicans, other seabirds and at least 1000 dolphins. Both of the whales eventually did a lot of surface lunge-feeding, mostly alone, but sometimes together.
The afternoon started with a pair of gray whales which we encountered near Leadbetter Beach. After some nice looks we moved south (offshore) and eventually slowed down when a group of 5 humpbacks were located. One of them was very friendly and mugged the Condor Express for 15 or 20 minutes, diving under the boat and slowly moving alongside. On the outside loop, on the way home, another megapod of dolphins was encountered. They came to the boat and enjoyed riding our wake as much as we enjoyed watching.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com