Image: part of a mob of young California sea lions.
2024 07–22 SB Channel
Captain Danny and the crew report sunny skies all day with a light to moderate wind and a three or 4 foot short-interval chop on the surface. Watercolor and clarity remain stupendous. Sightings: 4 humpback whales, 5000 common dolphins, 150 California sea lions and one thresher shark.
Humpback whales were watched just 3 miles off the coast today. The first individual lobbed its tail and did some rolling around. A second whale, and then two more, joined the first one and all four began traveling east. Multiple large dolphin pods were also present, at least 3000 were found at this location. And, what I believe is a first sighting for the Condor Express this year, a small thresher shark breached fairly high in the sky. Unfortunately, this aerial event only happened once. Some people got lucky.
There was another high concentration of at least 2000 dolphins off lighthouse point. These were very boat friendly and great looks were had by all.
On the way home, off Ledbetter, We viewed a large raft of California sea lions. (See today’s photo for an example). A lot of young sea lions have been booted off their communal beaches at the Channel Islands due to the fact that it’s mating and pupping season. The beachmaster Bulls chase off smaller males especially.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and