Image: A large ocean sunfish portrait.
2023 6-08 SB Channel
Although both the coastal and island peaks hosted some clouds, the Channel was sunny all day. A light breeze kept things cool. calm and collected. Sightings included: 4 humpback whales, 600 long-beaked common dolphins and 3 ocean sunfish (Mola mola). The crew also took one deflated, floating Mylar balloon out of the ocean today. All of our sighting were within 3 miles of the coast as we intercepted marine mammals from Hendry’s Beach up to Platform Holly.
Just one mile off Hendry’s several groups of scattered, feeding dolphins and two whales. The first was close to the boat and, right off the bat, took to the air with a giant breach…after which it went snooping around for food using long dive times. The second whale was seen at a bit of a distance.
After some westward travel, we found a pair of young whales near Goleta Bay. They made a few very friendly, close passes using the sides and bow of the Condor Express. More scattered dolphins were in this area, too.
After a nice tour of Platform Holly and the seeps, Dave took a wide, deep-water loop back towards the harbor. One giant ocean sunfish (Mola mola) was watched as it munched lots of purple sailor jellies (Velella velella). Later we’d see additional, smaller sunfish and more dolphins.
You never know what mother nature has in store.
Bob Perry
Condor Express, and
After many whale watching trips, today was EPIC. A whale breeched sideway with about 80% of his body leaving only his tale in the water. WOW!!!
Then, then one came up right next to the boat and shot his spout and continued to cross in front of the boat and dive as it passed. Then, then, then, we saw a pretty large Mola Mola (sunfish) eating jellyfish. What a marvelous experience.