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Amazing day with friendly blue whales.

2017 08-22 SB Channel

Captain Eric reported closely watching 8 blue whales and 500 long-beaked common dolphins today.  The excursion started under sunny skies and calm seas.  Later the wind kicked up a little, and the water remained very clear all day.  It was an amazing day with friendly blue whales.

Out in The Lanes, north of Chinese Harbor, several hundred dolphins located the Condor Express and came full of energy to play and ride our waves.  It was spectacular to see in the crystal clear Santa Barbara cobalt water.  Amazing.

A bit further east the first 3 giant blue whales were watched.  Today the giants were spending quality time on the surface between dives, averaging 12 – 15 minutes.  Soon a pair of giants, one medium big and the other small (but not a calf) popped up.  The larger of the pair came alongside and very close to the hull, then decided to log.  Amazing.

Two more giants found the boat and all the whales seemed to be coming from the east towards our location.  These two fluked-up and showed their massive tails on every dive.  Amazing.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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