2025 01-24 Ventura Harbor
As many of you regular readers know, Captain Dave and the crew have been busy for the last 3+ weeks performing bi-annual ship maintenance in the boatyard. I am happy to report that things are going well, and we are at the approximate half-way point in the process.
Some folks may believe that working on the Condor Express is all about enjoying the whales, dolphins and wildlife every day. But in addition to searching and finding marine animals, there are daily and weekly regular checklists, cleaning and minor repairs. Every 2nd year is “the big one.” It’s all hands-on deck for long, dawn ‘till dusk labor.
What you see on board every day in The Channel, is only possible by what takes place “below your feet,” in the engine room and compartments. This is one of the primary areas of focus in the boatyard, too.
Likewise, our four jet drives need to be deep-cleaned and overhauled so they can continue to power the boat for the next two, whale-filled, year. The four engines also need special attention.
I hope you enjoy the photos, courtesy of Captain Dave. Everyone at the Condor Express hopes to see you soon as we aim for a re-launch in mid-February.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store.
Bob Perry

It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it to keep the vessel in tiptop condition! The Condor Express still looks great thanks to your due diligence in regular maintenance.