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Blue skies, Blue water, Blue whale ! ..and more.

Blue skies, Blue water, Blue whale !   ..and more.

After enjoying some tremendous sightings of 4 humpback whales and at least 2,000 long beaked common dolphins in the eastern Santa Barbara Channel, Captain Dave changed course and headed for a tour of the western end of Santa Cruz Island and the world famous Painted Sea Cave.   Along the route Dave stopped for some nice looks at a Minke whale mid-Channel.  It should be noted that among the humpback #whales was the one we call “Spade,” and it made a very very close approach to the Condor Express and the clear blue water made the experience awesome.  But as fate would have it, and “you never know what Mother Nature has in store,”  Dave never actually made it to the Cave today.  This plan was interrupted by a large amount of live krill on the surface and a surface side-lunging giant blue whale.  This beast not only gobbled huge amounts of krill before our eyes, but it, too, came very close to the Condor Express in clear water.  Blue skies, Blue water and a friendly Blue whale.  What a day !

Another open public whale adventure is on tap for tomorrow, Sunday.   Monday and Tuesdays are not open, and we resume our regular schedule again next Wednesday.

Beat the heat, enjoy your Santa Barbara Channel and Channel Islands National Park.

Bob Perry Condor Express Biologist and Photographer

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