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Blue whales and dolphins in abundance today

2018 07-05 SB Channel

The day began with a thin marine layer then, as is typical this time of year, gave way to a sunny afternoon.  A fresh breeze kept things nice and took the edge of any possible heat problems.  These ideal conditions helped Captain Tasha, and the crew of the Condor Express, closely watch 8+ blue whales and 500 long-beaked common dolphins.  Many more spouts were seen around the area.  The hot spot was off the northern face of Santa Cruz Island and out near the west end.

Scattered dolphin pods were located across the Santa Barbara Channel both coming and going.  Each pod took its turn visiting its fans on board the boat.  Once in the active giant whale zone there were loads of great looks.  Many whales fluked-up, and most had nice long surface times today.  It has definitely been a “blue” spring and summer this year!

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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