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Cow-calf pairs for BOTH gray whales and humpback whales.


Cow-calf pairs for BOTH gray whales and humpback whales.

These are the best of times.  It’s Spring and there is new life all around us in the Santa Barbara Channel.  Skies were clear and sunny all day today and later in the afternoon a nice fresh breeze helped cool us off.  Only one trip (12 noon), but it was a doozie.  West of Santa Barbara Harbor we picked up a wonderful and very active mother gray whale and her little show-boat calf.  This calf spy hopped, rolled around, did some kelping, and climbed up on top of mom’s back.  A bit further west we (humans and cetaceans) were joined by 20 or so coastal bottle nose dolphins.  The dolphins were in and out of the kelp forest, and did come over to the Condor Express to ride the bow and greet us.   A bit further along, and only 1/2 mile off the beach, there was a spectacular humpback whale mother with her calf.  Again, great looks all the way around.  Gosh it is great to be out there at this time of year.

Tomorrow it’s a 9am only for public whale watching. You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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