2021 11-28 SB Channel
Captain Devin and his crew had only one major challenge today: dense, on the deck, fog. The fog monster took up residence starting just 5 miles offshore and blanketed the entire Channel. Despite these conditions, the following observations were recorded: 1500 long-beaked common dolphins and 1 humpback whale.
At the 5-mile point a mega pod of around 1000 dolphins located the Condor Express on the very edge of the fog. The group was both friendly and playful. Devin did his best to provide safe viewing while preventing us from being engulfed by the gray stuff. Bravo, Devin!
After moving south to the separation zone between The Lanes, another pod of approximately 500 dolphins found us (now in dense fog). As we followed the small cetaceans as best we could, the crew heard the mighty blow of a much larger beast. Navigating by ear, we were able to find and watch a shy humpback for 45 minutes. This is rather miraculous when you consider that the whale had 6 – 10 minute down times and would be moving while submerged, thus causing the crew to sharpen their hearing and get back into position. After one of the many re-locations, the beast breached near the boat!
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry
Condor Express, and