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Day full of great mammals with ideal conditions.

2021 10-31 SB Channel Happy Halloween!

The Condor Express traversed the Channel from Santa Barbara to Santa Cruz Island today. Seas were exceptionally calm and the gray, high stratus that characterized the morning burned off to warm, clear skies by the time we reached the island. Sightings included: 8+ humpback whales, 4000 long-beaked common dolphins and 300 California sea lions.

On our southbound heading towards the island we watched our first whale a few miles north of the NOAA East Channel Buoy. It was surrounded by lots of active dolphins, sea lions and sea birds. The whale was a juvenile and made a couple of close, friendly passes by the Condor.

Just a mile or so further south we watched a second whale, then a mile further on we found 3 more. While observing the trio, there were additional spouts in the near distance.

Close to the island there were two individual whales, each with its own large entourage of sea lions. Great sightings were had by all.

Captain Dave and the crew ran along the face of the island and told its story as they moved along. The story reached a crescendo with a great look inside the world’s longest sea cave, the Painted Cave.

On the journey home we slowed to watch two separate megapods of dolphins…so great to watch in the ideal glassy surface waters.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and

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