Eight whales, five porpoises.
A bit rocky out at the West End of Santa Cruz Island again today, so Captain Dave and the crew took a turn for calmer seas down east. On crossing the Santa Barbara Channel, 5 Dall’s porpoises were watched speeding like warm blooded torpedoes all around the Condor Express. Wow, are they ever fast !
Down on the eastern end of Santa Cruz Island we came across a pod of 8 southbound adult gray whales. This was a huge mass of cetaceans all together making a wonderful sighting. By the way, preliminary census estimates for this year’s southbound migration are up quite a bit over the past 10 season’s average. Hopefully this is due to gray whales thriving and expanding their populations.
Trips are open Saturday and Sunday as the weather is supposed to warm up again and get excellent for whale watching.
You certainly never know what Mother Nature has in store! Bob Perry Condor Express