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First northbound grays

(image above: a gray whale is seen just under the surface)

2023 02-16 SB Coast

We just started our annual coastal whale watching with trips offered at 9a, 12n, and 3p. Today we ran at 9 and noon. Skies were overcast and it was cool along the coast. Seas had a slight easterly bump in the morning but calmed down at noon. Sightings for the day included: 12 coastal bottlenose dolphins and 2 Pacific gray whales.

The dolphins found us off Leadbetter Beach and were heading east. We turned to follow and the pod stayed with the Condor Express for quite a nice visit. Great looks were had by all.

Later, after cruising the coastal waters for northbound gray whales, we turned offshore near Platform Holly. Before we got too far from the beach, we encountered 2 gray whales. It was a large (female) and a smaller (male). The larger whale spent a lot of time swimming upside down on the surface and the pair did quite a bit of socialization. It was not determined if actual mating was going on.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store.

Bob Perry

Condor Express, and

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