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Flat Calm Day & Wild Humpbacks


Flat Calm Day & Wild Humpbacks

Captain Eric and his renowned crew left Santa Barbara Harbor with fantastic, dead calm and sunny conditions.  Out near the offshore oil rigs the marine hot spots were on fire.  Common dolphins, California sea lions, sea birds….were all feasting on northern anchovies.  A total of 5 humpback #whales and at least 500 common #dolphins were closely watched, but there were more spouts in the area. Now here’s where it gets interesting.  Right away we found Scarlet and her juvenile companion Shorty.  Scarlet let loose some tremendous tail throws, perhaps in response to a pesky sea lion, and Shorty made a bee-line for the Condor Express.  Next to the boat, Shorty rolled around and showed us its ventral grooves and generally put on quite a show.  Soon there were two more humpback whales that breached, then logged on the surface, then came over and mugged the boat.  A few pectoral slaps were thrown around just for fun.  It was a flat calm day and the humpback whale went wild.  You gotta see this stuff.

Schedule changes:   1- Tomorrow we WILL have some public whale watch tickets available.  (Negating what I told you yesterday) 2- Even though we will not have trips on Mondays and Tuesdays for a while, we WILL have some public tickets available next Monday Oct. 6

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express Biologist and Photographer

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