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Four southbound gray whales !


2018 02-07 SB Channel – It was a spectacular sunny day with warm, blue skies as we departed Santa Barbara Harbor this morning.  But just offshore we entered dense, less than ¼-mile visibility, fog.  It stayed with us all day until we returned to the same point on the way home.  Considering the fog, today’s sightings of 4 gray whales were spectacular.

One small, juvenile whale was found just prior to our entry into fog-land.  Like all the whales we saw today, the juvenile was heading south.  The southbound migration should be nearly done in a week or two.  Despite the visibility, Captain Dave and his crew located the world-famous Painted Cave and put the Condor Express into the first chamber for a look.

From The Cave, the route took everyone west and into the Santa Cruz Channel where a group of 3 adult whales were watched.  The trip home was also made in the fog.  I don’t know how the crew finds such amazing whale sightings under these conditions, but they do.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

PS  Our next whale watching trip is scheduled for Friday.

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