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Great sightings


2018 03-17 SB Coast – Seven gray whales and two coastal bottlenose dolphins were closely watched during two trips today; one left at 9 am and the other at 12 noon.  It was nice in the morning but got a bit breezy in the afternoon.  Great sightings are being had now during the peak of the gray whale northbound migration.

On the morning excursion, a single juvenile whale was located near Stern’s Wharf.  It was milling around in shallow water as if it was trying to bottom-feed, although feeding was not directly observed.  Another single whale was found about a mile out from the lighthouse…it, too, was a small whale.  About this time, two dolphins located the Condor Express and we had nice looks.  Finally, a trio of whales was encountered off the More Mesa area.

The afternoon trip was a bit breezy, as mentioned at the top of this report.  However we hugged the coast and found calmer seas.  While heading up the coast along the shallow kelp beds, a single whale was located inside the kelp.  It was rolling, spy-hopping, and otherwise seemingly having a lot of fun kelping.  The final whale of the day was not too far away and we had a wonderful time looking at it as it headed back towards Alaskan waters.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

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