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Great trip – great conditions.

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A great dolphin show plus a whale.

2018 05-03 SB Coast A single trip left the docks at noon under clear, warm sunny skies. Total sightings for the trip included a whopping 1,600 long-beaked common dolphins and one gray whale. What a gr

Six gray whales and lots of calves

2018 05-02 SB Coast Captain Dave and his crew ran two trips today with great sea conditions.  The morning trip was calm and sunny. The afternoon trip was calm with a high stratus layer.  Sightings for

More gray whale calves and dolphins

2018 05-01 SB Coast A single noon departure plied the coastal waters in search of wildlife under the threat of rain.  Luckily, the rain held back until we came back to the harbor and by then we had cl

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