2019 04-08 SB Coast
Captain Dave ran a single 2 1/2 hour trip today leaving the dock at 9 AM. Skies were partly overcast seas were little tiny bit bumpy, but it was warm with no wind. Total sightings for the trip included four gray whales. We intercepted two juvenile whales around the lighthouse and followed them for a while with pretty darn good looks. Soon, the highlight of the trip, If not the entire week, was found: our very first mother gray whale mother and calf of the season, was found. As so often happens, mom and her calf swam close to shore in the kelp forest. We followed them up the coast from Hendry’s Beach to Goleta Bay. Absolutely wonderful looks were had by all and what a treat to see the next generation coming up the coast ! The miracle of life.
You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express, and CondorExpressPhotos.com