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Humpback tail slaps and more


Thursday, August 25, 2016.  Seven humpback whales and at least 2,000 long-beaked common dolphins visited the Condor Express today.  Sea conditions were nice with only a breeze on the water and not much swell.  Captain Dave was at the helm and second Captain Eric was on binocular duty.  Some great humpback tail slaps and breaches were seen late in the trip.  Here’s the shakedown:

The first encounter was up west past Ellwood but not quite to Naples.  Loads of curious common dolphins rode our bow, side wake and stern wake.  Dave took the boat further south to an area about 5 miles north of Santa Rosa Island, where things began to pop.  Four humpback whales located us with hundreds of dolphins mixed in.  Numerous sea birds were also there, flying with their hopes held high for some cetacean by-catch.

As Dave took a straight transect as his final drive for sightings, second Captain Eric spotted a region ahead with numerous spouts and one breaching whale.  As the breaching continued, the Condor came in and gave the active beast a wide berth.  After several breaches the same whale laid down a few powerful and noisy tail slaps.

You never know what Mother Nature has in store. Bob Perry Condor Express

PS   I apologize for not reporting the past couple of days.  I was in a spot with no internet service.  But as Jack Nicholson so aptly put it, “I’m back “!    Thanks.

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